Saturday February 23, 2013; Four Palestinians have been injured, two serious, by Israeli soldiers’ fire invaded the village of Aboud, north of the central West Bank city of Ramallah, the Palestine News Network (PNN) has reported.Eyewitnesses reported that Mohammad Asfour, 21, a university student, was shot by a rubber-coated metal bullet in the head causing a fracture in his skull, and was moved to the Rafidia Hospital in Nablus suffering a serious injury. Medical sources reported that Asfour is currently in a coma.

Furthermore, resident Najm Abdul-Hamid Al-Barghouthi, 30, was shot by a live round in the knee causing a fracture. He was moved to the Rafidia Hospital.

Two more residents, identified as Ehab Al-Barghouthi and Omar Abdul-Qader, were mildly injured.

Also on Saturday, seven Palestinians have been injured in Qasra village, near the northern West Bank city of Nablus, after Israeli soldiers and settlers invaded the village.

The settlers also hurled stones at a number of homes in the village, local sources reported.